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Community Support

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Support for Future Generations

Jump operates various support programs to promote healthy growth
and expand learning opportunities
for future generations.

We connect resources needed for youth to grow into future talents, working alongside diverse partners and sponsors.

For youth facing difficulties due to crises or environmental factors, we establish an educational safety net through scholarships and interest-free loans, providing resources for mentoring and capacity-building education to accumulate diverse experiences and learning opportunities.

Providing Mentoring
Sponsored language courses
by YBMNet / MOS Support
Network Exchange

“Cheering for you!”

“Cheering for you!” supports teenagers and young adults facing economic hardships,
ensuring they do not lose hope and can prepare for their future dreams.

Facing sudden crises such as pandemics, economic changes, or shifts in family circumstances,
we started the ‘Jump Youth Emergency Living Expense Interest-Free Loan’ in 2020,
evolving into the ‘Cheering for you! Future Support Fund / SOS Emergency Support Fund.’

For teenagers, we provide scholarships to support university volunteers and help them move towards their dreams.
For young adults and university students, we offer interest-free loans as a stepping stone towards becoming valuable members of society.

Support Details

Alternative Financial Support Based on Trust

For teenagers and university students who have participated in educational volunteer activities for more than a year and completed them, we provide interest-free loans based on trust and promises with future generations. The amount repaid by Jump Youth becomes a fund for other youth and adolescents who need support again.

Scholarships Tailored to Life Stages and Situations

We support growth scholarships, college entrance scholarships, and SOS scholarships to teenagers who need encouragement and financial support to pursue their dreams, tailored to their life cycle and individual circumstances. College entrance scholarship recipients engage in volunteer activities to utilize their talents for the benefit of younger students at the learning centers they attended.

Support funds based on trust are coming back in a virtuous cycle


The hours of volunteer service by college entrance scholarship recipients for younger students (based on scholarship recipients from 2021 to 2023).


The number of individuals who received interest-free youth loans and are either currently repaying or have completed repayment. (As of December 2023)

teenagers have grown into university volunteer teachers who serve younger peers with fewer opportunities.
These teenagers and university students have overcome various challenges, looking up to professional mentors as role models.
They have matured into responsible members of society and have returned as mentors and sponsors to support the next generation.

"When I checked the contract to sign a loan, it said, 'Security is your future,' and I choked up. With the money sponsored by the jumping community, I trusted and lent money to the person who was me, and I thought this community was amazing and grateful, and with all the help I got, I thought I should get a job within six months and prepared even harder!
The reason I started repaying them as soon as I got a job was because I thought I had to pay them back quickly so that I could go to other job seekers who need help like me. So I tried to repay them sooner!"

Professional Mentor Park Jihyun (H-Jump School 5th, 5+th)

"For me, the college entrance fund that supports you is not just an economic support but a meaningful scholarship that allows me to discover, grow, and spend the year feeling the joy of peace of mind and sharing without being entangled in money. Thank you to your sponsors and for your support of this scholarship."

Scholarship student

Programs in Progress

Jump is connecting growth potential with a variety of partners.

Jump Youth Emergency Living Fund Interest-Free Loan

  • Time of progress : May 2020
  • Sponsor : 2020 Jump Community Emergency Support Donations
  • Support target : Jump community youth
  • Contents : We provide interest-free loans for emergency living funds for young jumpers who are experiencing a sudden crisis due to COVID-19.

Cheering for you! Future Support Fund

  • Period of progress : 2021 ~ present
  • Sponsor : Kim Kang-seok Sponsor Fund, individual sponsor of Jump Community
  • Subject to support : Jump community youth
  • Contents : Cheering for you! Future Support Fund supports teenagers and young people who are suffering from economic difficulties so that they can develop their dreams and prepare for tomorrow without being daunted by reality. It provides growth scholarships and college entrance funds for teenagers, and provides emergency living expenses-free loans for young people.

Cheering for you! SOS Emergency Support Fund

  • Period of support : 2023 ~ present
  • Sponsor : Kim Kang-seok Sponsor Fund
  • Subject to support : Jump community youth
  • Contents : Cheering for you! SOS Emergency Support Fund supports young people/teenagers who experience sudden family and economic crises to survive the crisis. Emergency scholarships are provided to teenagers and interest-free loans for emergency living expenses are provided to youth.

Help us spread sustainable educational opportunities by donating!
